
It's soooo funny watching an episode of Trump's TV show again and project that onto his current job. In his show contestants were split into two teams to compete with each other in business with one of the team-members acting as their team leader. The teams were evaluated on tasks and behavior like communication, team building and results. At the end of every episode the losing team attended a boardroom meeting to evaluate why they lost and who contributed the least to the team. Trump ended an episode eliminating the poorest contributor from the competition with "You're fired!"

Well, "communication, team building and results". Up until today Trump didn't manage to get any of these into his pocket. His twitter behavior and press conferences are weakly expressed like from a overhyped teenager on drugs. Every morning when he wakes up and switches on the tv, his thin skin is penetrated by "fake news" based on facts he created himself. Of course "he didn't mean it that way" and still in his pyama's, he starts spitting on Twitter. Hours later poor KellyAnn Conway and Sean Spicer bend their body's and minds into weird twists to defend their boss discarding the effects on their resume's. After this, they will never get a decent job again.

Team building is obviously not his real strenght too. After almost a month, Republican grumble gets louder and louder and he still does not have his full cabinet in place and already the first resignations are in the past. Some potential candidates even refuse to be a member of this team. Of course Trump complaints about resistance from the Democrats but obviously he is not used yet to cope with a country were not everyone is "hired and fired" as he pleases. He still has to cope with a majority (2.9 M difference in popular vote) of the American people who didn't vote for him and a growing number of Republicans who are starting to recognise that this win was actually a big loss and that they should have gone with an experienced and reliable protector of their ideals.

And results, well mmmmm . . .  Nothing but chaos. Lots of presidental decretes and lots of noise around them but only symbolic stuff up until now. All his election rethoric about Obamacare, the Mexical Wall, the Muslim ban, infrastructure investments, jobs, pffffffff ... A poll unveiled that 35% of the Americans do not know that Obama-care and the Affordable-Care-Act are the same. A significant number is against the former and in favor of the latter :))). For the Mexican Wall and his trillion dollar infra investment, there seems to be no Congress majority to approve the spending. He obviously forgot that Obama already did the same thing to restart the American economic engine in 2008 with an 800B dollar infrastructure investment. So what's new? The Muslim ban was illegal and still pending. His announcements about new jobs at for instance a new plant of chipmaker Intel are just hollow. Intel would have built that plant in the US anyway as all their other sub-14-nano plants, except one in Ireland. By the way, most of the chip making machines are designed and built by the Dutch :).

Soooooooo . . . nothing, nothing, nothing.



(big thanks to all the great cartoon artists in this article: Signe Wilkinson, David Horsey, Mike Thompson and Steven Camley)