
Last Sunday the French remained calm and chose wisely for Macron with a significant majority. Europe held her breath during the day because Le Pen still could have a chance.  But reasonably, if both incumbants had not made such a mess of their campaigns, Le Pen probably would not have survived at all in the first round. Well, we will never know but la douce France and Europe is saved for the time being although we have to wait until Macron's "revolutionary changes" plan sees the daylight.

Meanwhile everybody congratulated Macron and his victory and prime ministers and presidents from all over the world tumble over each other for a first meeting. Why, well because all of a sudden France is the key to a stable Europe. Germany can't pull the wagon alone, the UK is gone, the rest is to weak or just to small.

I can only hope the young shoulders of Macron can carry that load. Fortunately he has an experienced coach, the new First Lady of France :D


(thanks to Taylor Jones for a great cartoon)