

DdFnPMFWAAApBg9.jpgSome people might wonder why I target Trump so much as I am not even American. Well, to some extend I have surprised myself with it too. I guess the main reason is that the direct and personal influence of the biggest economic and military nation on this planet now hits me too hard in a bad way. The turmoil in the US (and UK) directly affects my savings and investments and furthermore it disturbs the political landscape I felt reasonable safe in with topics like climate, NATO, ICC, UN, Russia, Iran, North Korea and a few more.

So after some long thoughts and digging deep into myself, something popped up I thought a had stashed away thoroughly but obviously not. I am just scared. I got more scared about my life and my future because I thought there was a trutsworthy and unbreakable bond between the old allies US, UK and (the rest of the) EU. Obviously not. I know, in any relationship some sacrifices have to be made but today I only hear the US and UK talk about their own priorities. On top of that, any decency and respect seem to be lost. When I hear Donald Trump or Boris Johnson talking, recently quite a few American senators, the speech of Brett Kavanaugh and of course in Europe Geert Wilders, Marine Le Pen and Recep Tayyip Erdogan I believe humanity has taken quite a few steps backwards.

Europe has been a violent environment the last 100 years and in some areas it still is. More importantly, in military terms, Europe is still following the US as their leader. WOII initiated a strong bond, the Cold War made it even stronger. By itself nothing wrong with some good allies. However, it kept Europe from building its own collaborative strength. Just hiding behind the skirts of the US was obviously more easy. The military spending of the US is incomparable with any other country and will remain that way as long as the countries are mostly on their own despite all efforts to cooperate operationally and financially. 

And let's be honest, the countries of the EU are still circling around each other with suspicion about every topic that is in their hearts. Some can't afford to be thrown out like Greece, some choose to voluntarily jump out all of a sudden like the UK. All and all the EU is still unstable and other big countries like Russia and Turkey are threatening that precarious stability even more and are very determined to drive that further as hard as they can.  

On top of that, the consequences of the US/UK led wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya and later on messy handling in Syriah and a few others are hitting Europe hard. For example, the very large numbers of refugees, economic immigrants and on the continent operating terrorists are a direct consequence of those wars. With all best intentions, the "war on terror" completely outpaced its own meaning and goals.

And finally, let's not forget that in the middle of this turmoil, the deep economic crisis was initiated in the US in the subprime home mortgage sector leading eventually to the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. The financial world was obviously much too interwoven so Merrill Lynch, AIG, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, HBOS, Royal Bank of Scotland, Bradford & Bingley, Fortis, ABNAMRO, Hypo, Alliance & Leicester and a lot more all followed quickly.

The ultimate consequence of all the above is that people are fed up with the uncertainties about their current lives and future whether that's about money, real safety or just feeling comfortable. A lot of people are driven to populist visions, often narrow minded propaganda with false promises and "alternative facts". Putin, Erdogan and Trump are all outspoken cheerleaders of dividing Europe as much as possible. They all try to spark X-Exit's like in Poland, Hungary and Italy. It's not for nothing that EU president Tusk said about Trump: "With friends like this, who needs enemies?".

There are many examples around the world with among others Putin, Erdogan and Kim as fine exponents. But, meanwhile in the UK Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage have managed to drive an unrepairable wedge  into Europe with Brexit and in the US Donald Trump and his alt-right wing represented by Steve Bannon are outspoken cheerleaders of dividing Europe as hard as they can. Meanwhile conspiracy theories like from "Q" seem to be embraced by the US politic right wing establishment including Donald Trump himself. 


So there we are. The US/UK skirts are pulled away and the rest of Europe is standing there naked. On their own with important and tightly connected economic and military dependencies. The US and The UK have made it very clear that their own priorities are leading and the breadcrumbs are for the rest. Now the world is responding a bit, both the US and UK are anxious to express their "historic responsibilities" to their allies but the harm is already done. Every day new astonishing messages pop out of Downing Street 10 and the White House. Democracy, freedom of press and commitment to friends go as far as long as the leadership of UK/May and US/Trump is not damaged.

It's just too bad continental Europe as a whole ignores their collaborative history, strength and refinement. However, the latest continental European elections show at least that the people are not willing enough to give up the promises of that collaboration yet. As per today, populists can address dissatisfaction but fortunately can not drive people off the cliff, yet.


I am still scared.


(thanks to KAL and Patrick Chappatte for their awesome cartoons)